Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Another Day Another Row

So after several days working on the Irish Hiking Scarf I'm feel pretty confidant with cables. I've lined up several other cabled scarf projects that should keep me busy for the next several months. Learning how to do cables has given me the learning bug. I've spent the past couple days looking up new patterns online. Besides the cabled scarves, I'm planning on tackling knitting lacy patterns. I'm also in the process of learning how to knit on double pointed needles. While searching for scarf projects I found several awesome patterns for fingerless gloves. My attempts last night to knit in the round with double pointed needles was very frustrating. So, I did what any other resourceful crafter would do.....I searched the internet and viewed several videos and watched as others knitted with their double pointed needles. My attempt tonight was a little more successful. I'll have a picture shortly. I also plan on posting some pictures of my past projects that are already complete.
Speaking of other projects....I'm on my second go around with a fun little scarf that kicked my tail the first time and I had to rip the whole thing! I put the pattern aside for a few months, and restarted it recently with different yarn. Here's what I have so far, the top image is what I have of the scarf done, the bottom is a close up of the pattern.

I can't remember the name of the book this is from. It's a book of my mom's, she made a copy of the pattern for me. It's a really interesting pattern. Exciting to knit, but you have to pay attention to what you are doing it's easy to get turned around on the rows. I had originally started this scarf in white yarn, got a little over-confidant and stopped counting stitches and...well.....was defeated. But I am determined to finish this scarf and beat the pattern! Well, as it's almost 8:00 pm now, I'm running out of my quality knitting time. So until next time....happy knitting.~~

Monday, January 28, 2008

Newest Obsession: Cables - project one

So, this past weekend I took on a new challenge....Cables! I had originally decided that cables were too advanced for me. But, I decided to try and learn with a sampler that is supposed to teach you to cable. Wow cables were easier than I I'm obsessed! I immediately went to my trusty internet connection and searched for cabled patterns. I found a nice easy-looking scarf to start as my first official cable project. The pattern is the Irish Hiking Scarf I found from the knitting pattern central directory under scarves section. I started this on Saturday and just took off with it. I'm really excited about this project. Today I downloaded several future cable project patterns. I can't wait to start them! Here's a pic of my Irish Hiking Scarf from yesterday. So comments? What cable projects have you been excited about?